Research Institute Totem Tower
Type of Totem:
Civic Totem
Target Species:
White Tailed Black Cockatoo (Karrak)
Murdoch University Campus, Perth Western Australia
This lookout totem was designed in 2020 as part of a competition for the Harry Butler Institute at Murdoch University campus in Western Australia. The idea was to make the roofscape of the institute into a habitat for banksias and other favourite foods of the cockatoo, and then to provide nesting spaces within the lookout tower, which would also form a focal point for the arrival and to see the conservation wetlands. WOHA were not selected as the winners, but the totem lookout is something we can see working on future eco-centric projects.
Design: WOHA : Richard Hassell, Dominic Broadhurst, Simeon Chua, with Taylor Robinson Chaney Broderick: Fred Chaney
Landscape: TCL: Kate Cullity
Ecology: Environmental biologist Steve Hopper